Important Election Information
Our 2023 Slate of Municipal Candidates
The Madison Municipal Election is just around the corner on Novembert 7th! We have a great team of candidates running to support the needs of our Madison community. Now is the time to get familiar so that you arrive at the polls well informed!
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Our Candidates Want To Work For You
Are you ready to have true leadership back in town government?
The Madison Republican Town Committee has a fantastic slate of candidates that are prepared to put the citizens of Madison first! It's time for change. It's time for a local government that allows our town to be affordable and safe for its citizens. We need strong fiscal management and government accountability and these are the leaders our town needs to help make that happen.
Learn About Our Exceptional Candidates
The 2023 slate of candidates are passionate about their citizens and the future of our town. They are dedicated to shepherding Madison to a state of fiscal strength, providing a safe community, and to leading a local government that is honest and accountable.
Visit their campaign sites to read their biographies and find out what they stand for, see their qualifications, and learn why they’re running for office.
Madison Voter Information
Find the information you need to register, see where you need to go to vote, plus other important links.